Law firms should consider the Microsoft Dynamics CRM tool as the latest technology to streamline all aspects of client engagement.

Law Firms Microsoft CRM

Lawyers have a lot of digital tools to make their jobs easier these days. From the latest search software for exploratory research to legal practice management applications, technology has changed our profession – for the better.

One type of software that you may not have considered is customer relationship management (CRM) platforms. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has one of the better platforms we’ve seen on the market. Like many of the best in class software applications, its role in your practice is to streamline backend efficiencies so you can focus on winning cases and practicing law.

So, how are attorneys using the Dynamics CRM to improve their practice? Let’s review.

What is Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

Microsoft has created some tools that you’re probably already using in our daily practice. With the onset of the digital era, they took their products to the cloud and created a robust suite of enterprise resource planning software tools that are affordable and powerful; even for the smallest of businesses. The goal has always been for Microsoft to become an end-to-end provider for businesses of all sizes, so their offerings are now typically tied to a subscription service and are fully functional from anywhere you have an Internet connection.

But it’s in the category of the CRM that Microsoft has particularly excelled. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a plug and play solution for law firms. True to its name, it includes some tools that will help you nurture client relationships, including marketing, customer service, and reporting. Law firms can model their use of these platforms from other successful businesses that are leveraging these tools to improve their bottom line.

Applications for Law Firms

Here are 10 key reasons that most law firms have been leveraging Microsoft Dynamics CRM to build, maintain, and improve their practice:

  1. Think of a CRM like a digital Rolodex of prospective or existing clients. We all understand the importance of adequate documentation. Having centralized customer data in one place will allow you easy tracking and smooth integration of any contact you and your legal team may have with an existing or potential client. The CRM not only has up-to-date contact information, but it will also store relevant documents and track all customer interactions – all in one place.
  2. Building your firm means staying in front of potential clients. When their need for a top-notch legal team arises, you want them to think of you first. By automating marketing functions, you will not only save the firm time; it will also allow you to reach more potential clients consistently.
  3. A CRM is a communication tool, and the Dynamics CRM integrates across all your functions including the Microsoft suite of office products that your staff has been using for years. The interoperability between Microsoft products is one of the key features most law firms enjoy.
  4. Tracking every customer interaction will allow you to analyze customer service and monitor the activities of your team. This is crucial as your firm grows; you need to have real-time information on the communication between your client and the firm.
  5. A CRM will help organize important tasks. For example, if you met with a prospective client last week, what is your system for following up? With a CRM, you can set reminder notices and assign responsibility by the date and time they are due. Then you can clearly check on the progress of the follow-up by going online and looking at that customer record. This is particularly beneficial as your firm grows and you struggle to keep up with the increased flow of tasks.
  6. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM has an easy-to-understand user interface. That’s because the dashboard design is one you’re already familiar with if you’ve been using the Microsoft suite of products. This will be a time saver for your team, who should be able to plug and play the software.
  7. This CRM can also help you analyze data by running reports. If your goal is to set up a marketing campaign to reach a target audience, the CRM can provide reporting that will track whom you’re reaching and how successfully you’re completing the process.
  8. A CRM will help you retain existing clients by scheduling regular, methodical communication processes. This could be in the form of an automated client newsletter or other marketing content.
  9. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM can also help you coordinate social media posts, from blogs to Facebook. Even attorneys need digital interactions with potential clients; social media is one venue to reach your targeted audience. A CRM can help you stay top of mind.
  10. The bottom line is that this robust software tool will help streamline all aspects of customer engagement for a more coordinated effort to reach new and former clients in an appropriate and time-efficient method.

Whether you’re using the CRM for developing leads, time and activity tracking, or just the overall coordination of your marketing effort; Microsoft Dynamics is a feature-rich tool that any law firm should consider.

If your Ottawa law firm is ready to examine customer relationship management software, email us at or call us directly at (613) 828-1384 to have a no obligation consultation today.

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