CybersecurityWhen looking for a victim, cyber criminals will go after small businesses that lack security controls. Hackers don’t want to go after the big companies that have layers of security in place — They want the easy targets. Unfortunately if you don’t have the proper security solutions in place, your small business is an easy target. To protect your data and your business, ensure you take steps to ensure the following solutions are in place.

  • Upgrade From Windows XP, ASAP. Microsoft has discontinued support for Windows XP. If you are still using it, your data and business are at risk. No patches will be released, and cybercriminals know this. They will be unleashing a multitude of cyber attacks to grab your data if you’re still using XP. Fuelled Networks can help you migrate from Windows XP to a Windows 7 or 8.1.
  • Proper Offsite Backups. By backing up all of your content automatically, regularly, and to an offsite location, no matter what disaster occurs, such as a ransomware attack where your data is held hostage, or a natural disaster like a storm that floods your office, your data will always be secure and retrievable. Fuelled Networks can back up your data remotely and store it in our high-security data centers.
  • Immediate Security Patches.   When software manufacturers detect security holes, they develop a fix, and send it out over the Web. If you don’t, or can’t install these immediately, you’re at risk of a security breach. The good news is that Fuelled Networks can do this remotely. This way patches are installed immediately, plugging any holes the cyber criminals can get through.
  • Managed Anti-Virus and Firewalls. To keep the “bad guys and bugs” out of your system in the first place, you need an anti-virus and firewall solution that is monitored and managed. Off-the-shelf anti-virus solutions are no longer adequate to prevent today’s sophisticated cyber attacks. Even companies like Symantec have admitted this. For this reason, you need a layered approach to protect your data and technology. Fuelled Networks can tell you more about our Managed Anti-Virus and Firewall solutions.
  • Use Password Management. Password Management keeps intruders from gaining access to your confidential data. A Password Management solution ensures you use a different, strong password with every site you use. You can even use it with your mobile devices. Fuelled Networks can tell you more.
  • Protect Your Mobile Devices. Cybercriminals can also access the data on your mobile devices, including your smartphones, unless they are properly secured. Recently, a vulnerability was found in the iPhone operating system. Apple hasn’t provided the fix at this point. However Fuelled Networks can help to secure your iPhone and other mobile devices with our Mobile Device Management solution. With it, we can keep all your company-owned, or authorized personal devices protected from data breaches. If your mobile devices are lost or stolen the data can be remotely wiped to ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
  • Secure Your Wi-Fi. It’s amazing how many small businesses still use unprotected Wi-Fi networks. This is like opening your door, your files, and your bank account to intruders. Fuelled Networks will visit you onsite to ensure your Wi-Fi is set up properly.
  • Secure Your Cloud. Your cloud and virtual environments must also be monitored and kept secure from intruders. Using the cloud and virtualization is a great idea for your small business because they increase your efficiencies and productivity. However, they also come with risks. Fuelled Networks will ensure your cloud and virtual solutions are protected from intruders.

By following these steps, you can protect your data, and your small business from cyber security threats. To learn more, or to schedule a free Security Assessment for your small business, contact Fuelled Networks at (613) 828-1384 or

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